Posted by: lzlangdon | September 14, 2010

The Annual Zucchini as Big as My Cat Photo

Maggie and the big zucchini

Every year a few zucchini manage to escape my notice. Maggie gives them the sniff test, but finds them not to her liking.

Molly and the big zucchini

Molly had to check them out, too.

I don’t know how I miss them, but every year as the zucchini leaves begin to die back from the powdery mildew, I spot a huge, monster squash (or two, or three). Those are 12 inch floor tiles, and Molly’s a big, fluffy, 12 pound cat. They’re really not good for anything but funny photo ops and compost at that size, so there you have it!


  1. I love this cat.

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